Results for 'Julián David Bohórquez Carvajal'

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  1.  15
    De la sangre en circulación : Descartes y Harvey.Julián David Bohórquez Carvajal - 2019 - Discusiones Filosóficas 20 (34):113-129.
    Este ensayo se ocupa del tratamiento dado por René Descartes al descubrimiento de la circulación de la sangre hecho por William Harvey y sus diferencias respecto al papel del corazón en este proceso. Tomando distancia de la interpretación tradicional de la controversia, se concluye que, si bien Harvey fue un declarado aristotélico y Descartes un filósofo de estirpe materialista, los postulados de este último exhiben varios prejuicios escolásticos y una fuerte carga teórica en las observaciones. Por el contrario, la propuesta (...)
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    Two Objections to the Selfish Gene Theory.Julián Bohórquez Carvajal & Reinaldo Bernal Velásquez - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (3):373-396.
    We advance two objections to the selfish gene theory formulated by Richard Dawkins, which states that natural selection operates on genetic replicators. These objections target three of the essential features of the theory. The first feature is the exclusivity that the theory ascribes to genetic replicators as objects of natural selection. We call it “the exclusivity clause”. The second and third features correspond to two criteria that genetic replicators must satisfy for Dawkins’ theory to hold. We call them “the stability (...)
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    El estancamiento de la controversia sobre el seleccionismo génico.Julián Bohórquez Carvajal & Reinaldo Bernal Velásquez - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:66-88.
    Nos ocupamos de la controversia científica sobre la plausibilidad del seleccionismo génico. En primer lugar, mostramos que esta controversia parece estar estancada en su conjunto y particularmente sobre la cuestión central: si los genes son el objeto de la selección natural. En segundo lugar, sostenemos que el estancamiento sobre esta cuestión se explica en buena medida porque las partes en disputa están posicionadas sobre modos distintos de comprender la genética. Finalmente, argumentamos que la controversia podría avanzar si se enfrentara un (...)
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    El profeta y el teólogo: inmanencia religiosa y trascendencia teológica en el pensamiento de Spinoza.Julian David Silva Martínez - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):185-216.
    La lectura que ha recibido Spinoza ha variado de acuerdo con la época y los intereses propios de sus intérpretes. Algunas lecturas, como las de sus contemporáneos, han encontrado en él una fuente de ateísmo radical, mientras el romanticismo lo llamará “el ebrio de Dios”. Estas interpretaciones también permiten hacer juicios sobre las religiones reveladas, es decir, sobre aquellas religiones positivas tales como el cristianismo, el judaísmo o el islam. Una lectura clásica de Spinoza ha denigrado totalmente la religión. En (...)
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    Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace.Julian David Jonker & Grant J. Rozeboom (eds.) - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Are hierarchical arrangements in the workplace, including the employer-employee relationship, consistent with the ideal of relating to one another as moral equals? With this question at its core, this volume of essays by leading moral and political philosophers explores ideas about justice in the workplace, contributing to both political philosophy and business ethics. Relational egalitarians propose that the ideal of equality is primarily an ideal of social relationships and view the equality of social relationships as having priority over the distributive (...)
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    : What’s Wrong with Lookism? Personal Appearance, Discrimination, and Disadvantage.Julian David Jonker - 2024 - Ethics 134 (4):594-599.
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    Is Data Labor? Two Conceptions of Work and the User-Platform Relationship.Julian David Jonker - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-34.
    Some observers of the data economy have proposed that we treat data as labor. But are data contributions labor? Our folk conception of work emphasizes its importance and effort, such that work has a special interpersonal priority and deserves appreciation and compensation. The folk conception does not generally favor counting data as work, and so it serves as an error theory for reluctance to regulate data as labor. In contrast, labor regulation and policy focus on the political economy of labor, (...)
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  8. Análisis de la densidad espectral de potencia en registros MER.Julián David Echeverry Correa, Cristian Guarnizo Lemus & Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Automation, Alignment, and the Cooperative Interface.Julian David Jonker - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):483-504.
    The paper demonstrates that social alignment is distinct from value alignment as it is currently understood in the AI safety literature, and argues that social alignment is an important research agenda. Work provides an important example for the argument, since work is a cooperative endeavor, and it is part of the larger manifold of social cooperation. These cooperative aspects of work are individually and socially valuable, and so they must be given a central place when evaluating the impact of AI (...)
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  10.  40
    Rights, Abstraction, and Correlativity.Julian David Jonker - 2023 - Legal Theory 29 (2):122-150.
    I survey several counterexamples (by Raz and MacCormick) to Hohfeld's conjecture that a claim-right is correlative to a directed duty and (by Cornell and Frick) to Bentham's suggestion that a claim-right is correlative to a wronging. We can vindicate these claims of correlativity if we acknowledge that entitlements like claim-rights and directed duties admit of degrees of abstraction: that they may be general rather than specific, unspecified rather than specified, or indefinite rather than definite. I provide an error theory consisting (...)
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    Becoming Indigenous: Governing Imaginaries in the Anthropocene.David Chandler & Julian David McHardy Reid - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book will provide a cutting-edge, theoretically innovative, and analytically detailed response to significant developments occurring in the fields of indigenous governance.
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  12.  36
    Reconocimiento de valvulopatías cardíacas en señales de fonocardiografía empleando la transformada Gabor.Julián David Echeverry Correa, Andrés Felipe López & Juan Fernando López - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  13.  42
    Reconocimiento de emociones empleando procesamiento digital de la señal de voz.Mauricio Morales Pérez, Julián David Echeverry Correa & Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Comparación de métodos de caracterización de señales MER.Cristian Guarnizo Lemus, Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez & Julián David Echeverry Correa - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Contribución kantiana a una crítica de la razón histórica: la mediación naturaleza-libertad.Julián Carvajal Cordón - 2005 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 32:249-270.
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  16. La idea de hombre y la sistematización de la Filosofía.Julián Carvajal - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez, Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Kant y la fundamentación del discurso de la metafísica.Julian Carvajal Cordón - 1985 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 20:47.
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  18.  29
    Effects of Academic Degree and Discipline on Religious and Evolutionary Views in Chile and Colombia.César Marín, Victor Hugo García-Merchán, Julián David Arbeláez-Moreno, Esteban Camilo Ochoa-Berrío, Diego Martínez-Rincón & Guillermo D'Elía - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):54-74.
    Relationships between degree/area of academic formation and religious and Darwinian views are controversial. This study aimed to compare the religious beliefs and acceptance of Darwinian evolution between two contrasting South American scientific communities (Chile and Colombia), accounting for different degrees and areas of academic formation. In 2018, 115 last year bachelor students (surveyed as freshmen in 2014 for a previous study) from Chile, and 283 first/last year bachelor students, graduate students, and professors from Colombia, all belonging to biology, chemistry, or (...)
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  19. Contribución kantiana a una crítica de la razón histórica: la mediación naturaleza-libertad.Julian Carvajal Cordón - 2005 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 32:249-270.
  20.  14
    Spinoza, de la física a la historia.Julian Carvajal & María Luisa de la Cámara (eds.) - 2008 - Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
    Aunque admito sin reservas -nos dice Spinoza en su TTP- que todas las cosas son determinadas por leyes universales de la naturaleza a existir y a obrar de una forma fija y determinada, afirmo, no obstante, que [...], para el uso de la vida,...
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    Reducción de operaciones en la solución de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales de gran escala aplicando Simulated Annealing.Jorge Mario Arias Palacio, Julián David González Hoyos & Ramón Alfonso Gallego Rendón - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  22. Lord, Beth:" Kant and Spinozism. Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze".Julián Carvajal - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):380-383.
  23.  30
    La virtud en el contexto del formalismo ético.Julián Carvajal Cordón - 2007 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:113-144.
    The author analyses the sense of virtue at the very heart of Kantian ethical formalism. First, he verifies the difficulty of placing Kantian ethics in one of the three models developed in the history of Western ethics – prescriptive, intentional and virtue ethics –, insofar as Kant places in the centre of moral analysis the notion of “imperative” (a precept), whose function is to show the purity of the “intention” as the only moral value, which deploys in a doctrine of (...)
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  24. El problema de la sustancia en la «metafísica» de Aristóteles.Julian Carvajal Cordón - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 1 (1):889-926.
    El artículo compara el modo como Aristóteles explica que un cuerpo llegue a vivir o que una mente llegue a entender, con el esquema explicativo que emplea Wittgenstein para dar cuenta de problemas como éstos: ¿qué hace posible que el signo adquiera significado, o que una acción sea el seguimiento de una regla? El interés se centra en la lógica de la explicación, y el propósito no es establecer relaciones de influencia, sino explorar analogías formales, con el objetivo de arrojar (...)
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  25.  25
    Reelin’ In The Years: Age and Selective Restriction of Liberty in the COVID-19 Pandemic.David Motorniak, Julian Savulescu & Alberto Giubilini - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (4):685-693.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, focused protection strategies including selective lockdowns of the elderly were proposed as alternatives to general lockdowns. These selective restrictions would consist of isolating only those most at risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and subsequent use of healthcare resources. The proposal seems to have troubling implications, including the permissibility of selective lockdown on the basis of characteristics such as ethnicity, sex, disability, or BMI. Like age, these factors also correlated with an increased risk of hospitalization from COVID-19. In (...)
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    ‘Being in Being’: Contesting the Ontopolitics of Indigeneity.David Chandler & Julian Reid - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (3):251-268.
    This article critiques the shift towards valorizing indigeneity in western thought and contemporary practice. This shift in approach to indigenous ways of knowing and being, historically derided under conditions of colonialism, is a reflection of the “ontological turn” in anthropology. Rather than seeing indigenous peoples as having an inferior or different understanding of the world to a modernist one, the ontological turn suggests that their importance lies in the fact that they constitute different worlds and “world” in a performatively different (...)
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    Merging Minds: The Conceptual and Ethical Impacts of Emerging Technologies for Collective Minds.David M. Lyreskog, Hazem Zohny, Julian Savulescu & Ilina Singh - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (1):1-17.
    A growing number of technologies are currently being developed to improve and distribute thinking and decision-making. Rapid progress in brain-to-brain interfacing and swarming technologies promises to transform how we think about collective and collaborative cognitive tasks across domains, ranging from research to entertainment, and from therapeutics to military applications. As these tools continue to improve, we are prompted to monitor how they may affect our society on a broader level, but also how they may reshape our fundamental understanding of agency, (...)
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  28. Beyond the Brave New Nudge: Activating Ethical Reflection Over Behavioral Reaction.Julian Friedland, Kristian Myrseth & David Balkin - 2023 - Academy of Management Perspectives 37 (4):297-313.
    Behavioral intervention techniques leveraging reactive responses have gained popularity as tools for promoting ethical behavior. Choice architects, for example, design and present default opt-out options to nudge individuals into accepting preselected choices deemed beneficial to both the decision-maker and society. Such interventions can also employ mild financial incentives or affective triggers including joy, fear, empathy, social pressure, and reputational rewards. We argue, however, that ethical competence is achieved via reflection, and that heavy reliance on reactive behavioral interventions can undermine the (...)
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  29.  34
    Strong Bipartisan Support for Controlled Psilocybin Use as Treatment or Enhancement in a Representative Sample of US Americans: Need for Caution in Public Policy Persists.Julian D. Sandbrink, Kyle Johnson, Maureen Gill, David B. Yaden, Julian Savulescu, Ivar R. Hannikainen & Brian D. Earp - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (2):82-89.
    The psychedelic psilocybin has shown promise both as treatment for psychiatric conditions and as a means of improving well-being in healthy individuals. In some jurisdictions (e.g., Oregon, USA), psilocybin use for both purposes is or will soon be allowed and yet, public attitudes toward this shift are understudied. We asked a nationally representative sample of 795 US Americans to evaluate the moral status of psilocybin use in an appropriately licensed setting for either treatment of a psychiatric condition or well-being enhancement. (...)
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    Understanding Child and Adolescent Behaviour in the Classroom: Research and Practice for Teachers.David Armstrong, Fiona Hallett, Julian Elliott & Graham Hallett - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Understanding Child and Adolescent Behaviour in the Classroom is a vital guide for pre-service and in-service teachers, providing the tools to respond effectively and ethically to child and adolescent behaviour that is of concern. In this innovative book, expert authors offer 'positive rules' that will assist educators in their classroom practice. Key practical issues that are addressed include: • Building a purposeful and emotionally and psychologically positive classroom culture • Recognising and responding to children who present with social, emotional and (...)
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  31. Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.David Silver, Thomas Hubert, Julian Schrittwieser, Ioannis Antonoglou, Matthew Lai, Arthur Guez, Marc Lanctot, Laurent Sifre, Dharshan Kumaran, Thore Graepel, Timothy Lillicrap, Karen Simonyan & Demis Hassabis - 2017 - .
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  32. The Hazards of Putting Ethics on Autopilot.Julian Friedland, B. Balkin, David & Kristian Myrseth - 2024 - MIT Sloan Management Review 65 (4).
    The generative AI boom is unleashing its minions. Enterprise software vendors have rolled out legions of automated assistants that use large language model (LLM) technology, such as ChatGPT, to offer users helpful suggestions or to execute simple tasks. These so-called copilots and chatbots can increase productivity and automate tedious manual work. In this article, we explain how that leads to the risk that users' ethical competence may degrade over time — and what to do about it.
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  33. An Embodied Predictive Processing Theory of Pain.Julian Kiverstein, Michael David Kirchhoff & Mick Thacker - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (1):1-26.
    This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework for explaining the subjective character of pain experience in terms of what we will call ‘embodied predictive processing’. The predictive processing (PP) theory is a family of views that take perception, action, emotion and cognition to all work together in the service of prediction error minimisation. In this paper we propose an embodied perspective on the PP theory we call the ‘embodied predictive processing (EPP) theory. The EPP theory proposes to explain pain (...)
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    The Ethics of Thinking with Machines: Brain-Computer Interfaces in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.David M. Lyreskog, Hazem Zohny, Ilina Singh & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 21 (2):11-34.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese. 腦機介面 (BCIs) 是大腦和電腦無需人工交互即可直接交流的一系列技術。隨著人工智能 (AI) 時代的到來,我們需要更多地關注腦機介面和人工智能的融合所帶來的倫理問題。那麼,與機器一起思考會帶來什麼樣的倫理問題?在本文中,圍繞這一主題,我們將重點關注以下問題:自主性、完整性、身分認同、隱私,以及 作為一種增強的方式,該技術在兒科領域的應用會帶來怎樣的風險和潛在收益。我們的結論是,雖然該技術存在多種令人擔憂的問題,同時也有可能帶來好處,但仍存在很大的不確定性。如果生命倫理學家想在這一領域有所建樹 ,他們就應該做好準備來迎接我們對醫學和醫療保健領域中一些我們視為核心價值的理解的重大轉變。 Brain-Computer Interfaces – BCIs – are a set of technologies with which brains and computers can communicate directly, without the need for manual interaction. As we are witnessing the dawn of an era in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) quite possibly will come to dominate the technological innovation landscape, we are compelled to ask questions about the ethical issues which the convergence of BCIs and AI (...)
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  35. Mechanisms, continental approaches, trials, and evolutionary medicine: New work in the philosophy of medicine.Julian Reiss, Miriam Solomon & David Teira - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (1):1-4.
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    Advances in Architectures, Big Data, and Machine Learning Techniques for Complex Internet of Things Systems.David Gil, Magnus Johnsson, Higinio Mora & Julian Szymanski - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-3.
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    Decentralising the Self – Ethical Considerations in Utilizing Decentralised Web Technology for Direct Brain Interfaces.David M. Lyreskog, Hazem Zohny, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Ilina Singh & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (4):1-14.
    The rapidly advancing field of brain-computer (BCI) and brain-to-brain interfaces (BBI) is stimulating interest across various sectors including medicine, entertainment, research, and military. The developers of large-scale brain-computer networks, sometimes dubbed ‘Mindplexes’ or ‘Cloudminds’, aim to enhance cognitive functions by distributing them across expansive networks. A key technical challenge is the efficient transmission and storage of information. One proposed solution is employing blockchain technology over Web 3.0 to create decentralised cognitive entities. This paper explores the potential of a decentralised web (...)
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    Evolution of eukaryotic genome architecture: Insights from the study of a rapidly evolving metazoan, Oikopleura dioica.Sreenivas Chavali, David A. De Lima Morais, Julian Gough & M. Madan Babu - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):592-601.
    Recent sequencing of the metazoan Oikopleura dioica genome has provided important insights, which challenges the current understanding of eukaryotic genome evolution. Many genomic features of O. dioica show deviation from the commonly observed trends in other eukaryotic genomes. For instance, O. dioica has a rapidly evolving, highly compact genome with a divergent intron‐exon organization. Additionally, O. dioica lacks the minor spliceosome and key DNA repair pathway genes. Even with a compact genome, O. dioica contains tandem repeats, comparable to other eukaryotes, (...)
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  39. A Symposium on Nazi Law.Julian Fink, Carolyn Benson, Kristen Rundle, David Fraser, Herlinde Pauer-Studer & Raymond Critch - 2012 - Jurisprudence 3 (2):341-463.
    It is beyond doubt that the legal system established by the Nazi government in Germany between 1933-1945 represented a gross departure from the rule of law: the Nazis eradicated legal security and certainty; allowed for judicial and state arbitrariness; blocked epistemic access to what the law requires; issued unpredictable legal requirements; and so on. This introduction outlines the distorted nature of the Nazi legal system and looks at the main factors that contributed to this grave divergence.
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    What's new in the philosophy of the social sciences?: Guest editors' introduction.Julian Reiss, David Teira & Jesús Zamora Bonilla - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (3):311-313.
  41. A Ghost Workers' Bill of Rights: How to Establish a Fair and Safe Gig Work Platform.Julian Friedland, David Balkin & Ramiro Montealegre - 2020 - California Management Review 62 (2).
    Many of us assume that all the free editing and sorting of online content we ordinarily rely on is carried out by AI algorithms — not human persons. Yet in fact, that is often not the case. This is because human workers remain cheaper, quicker, and more reliable than AI for performing myriad tasks where the right answer turns on ineffable contextual criteria too subtle for algorithms to yet decode. The output of this work is then used for machine learning (...)
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    ¿Por Qué No Hay Ninguna Lógica Deductiva de la Razón Práctica?Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya & Henry David Pinto - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 32:271-291.
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    Brainy brawlers.Julian Baggini, David Edmonds & John Eidinow - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 35 (35):66-69.
    “It’s not good enough to say there’s some mechanism such that you start out with amoebas and you end up with us. Everybody agrees with that. The question is in this case in the mechanical details. What you need is an account, as it were step by step, about what the constraints are, what the environmental variables are, and Darwin doesn’t give you that.”.
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    (1 other version)The Literalist Fallacy and the Free Energy Principle: Model-Building, Scientific Realism, and Instrumentalism.Michael David Kirchhoff, Julian Kiverstein & Ian Robertson - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    The Mystery of Mental Integrity: Clarifying Its Relevance to Neurotechnologies.Hazem Zohny, David M. Lyreskog, Ilina Singh & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (3):1-12.
    The concept of mental integrity is currently a significant topic in discussions concerning the regulation of neurotechnologies. Technologies such as deep brain stimulation and brain-computer interfaces are believed to pose a unique threat to mental integrity, and some authors have advocated for a legal right to protect it. Despite this, there remains uncertainty about what mental integrity entails and why it is important. Various interpretations of the concept have been proposed, but the literature on the subject is inconclusive. Here we (...)
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  46. Introduction.David Roberts & Julian Triado - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 12 (1):2-3.
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    Extended Consciousness and Predictive Processing: A Third Wave View.Michael David Kirchhoff & Julian Kiverstein - 2018 - London, UK: Routledge.
    This book is forthcoming in Routledge. Here is the barest sketch of our aims: -/- We have two aims in this book. First, we aim to persuade you that conscious experience is sometimes realised by cycles of embodied and world-involving engagement. Second, we aim to persuade you that it is possible to develop and defend the thesis of extended consciousness through the increasingly powerful predictive processing theory developed in cognitive neuroscience.
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    The challenge that Confucian filial piety poses for Korean churches.David M. Park & Julian C. Müller - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (2).
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    The Problem of Meaning: The Free Energy Principle and Artificial Agency.Michael David Kirchhoff, Julian Kiverstein & Tom Froese - 2022 - Frontiers in Neurorobotic 1.
    Biological agents can act in ways that express a sensitivity to context-dependent relevance. So far it has proven difficult to engineer this capacity for context-dependent sensitivity to relevance in artificial agents. We give this problem the label the “problem of meaning”. The problem of meaning could be circumvented if artificial intelligence researchers were to design agents based on the assumption of the continuity of life and mind. In this paper, we focus on the proposal made by enactive cognitive scientists to (...)
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    Core Type Theory.Emma van Dijk, David Ripley & Julian Gutierrez - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):145-186.
    Neil Tennant’s core logic is a type of bilateralist natural deduction system based on proofs and refutations. We present a proof system for propositional core logic, explain its connections to bilateralism, and explore the possibility of using it as a type theory, in the same kind of way intuitionistic logic is often used as a type theory. Our proof system is not Tennant’s own, but it is very closely related, and determines the same consequence relation. The difference, however, matters for (...)
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